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What does a Typical Day look like?

Daily Curriculum

Each day the children have both indoor and outdoor play, as well as small and large group experiences covering music, movement, language and games. 
Both planned and incidental experiences will provide your child with the opportunity to develop and extend valuable skills in all areas of development - intellectual, emotional, social, language, physical and self-help skills. 

Staff observe each indivdual to determine their interests, strengths and needs. These observations are documented in  a portfolio which can be viewed at any time and also help the staff get to know each child and ensure that they plan the most relevant experiences or projects for each child. 

A Typical Day

This is an example of our daily routine:
8.30-9am - Arrival and indoor/outdoor activities
10am - Morning tea
10.30am - indoor/outdoor activities
11am - indoor activities
12pm - music & language (childrens choice)
12.15pm - tidy up & transition to lunch
12.30pm - lunch time
1.10pm - Rest & quiet activities
1.40pm - music & language (childrens choice) 
2.00pm - outdoor play
3-4pm - Home time
Fundamental Movement skills happen daily at different times throughout the day.

Rest Time

We have found the majority of children attending preschool do not require a sleep during the day, however we do believe children need to have times where they can be still and quiet. 

Children who require a sleep or rest are supplied with a mattress and appropriate sheeting to rest upon. 

A variety of quiet time activities are used, such as listening to a quiet story or cd. Sometimes we do Yoga or some breathing exercises, quiet games or activities depending on the childrens needs or interests. 

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